Manufacturer of mechanical equipment


By taking an integrated approach we ensure that strategy, people, operations and finance are linked seamlessly. This results in tangible and sustainable benefits, that are generated in a pragmatic and cost-effective manner. At GEMAST our team will work closely with you to create a bespoke strategy aligned specifically to your organisation's strengths to maximise the probability of long-term success. Most importantly we hit the ground running and speak the language of our clients from day one, facilitating rapid integration into your organisation.


Il nostro obiettivo è quello di adottare un approccio integrato, in questo modo siamo sicuri che strategia, management, operations e finanza, lavoreranno in sinergia, strettamente collegati tra di loro, il tutto alfine di portare un vantaggio reale, misurabile e che si possa toccare con mano.


We immerse ourselves in a client's business, working alongside them in small, senior teams dedicated to helping them identify issues, design solutions and achieve their goals. We help clients define the future vision for their business and plan and support the journey to achieve this.


Studiamo l'idea del cliente e valutiamo il suo business; mettiamo a disposizione il nostro team di alto livello, che sarà in grado di identificare eventuali problemi e proporre valide soluzioni per raggiungere ogni obiettivo.


La nostra è una società di consulenza, nata per aiutare i clienti nella realizzazione di nuove strategie, sviluppando persino opportunità di business, unendo capacità innovative, per raggiungere una crescita costante. Uniamo creatività e rigore commerciale per andare a ricreare un valore economico reale, che chiunque potrà toccare con mano; abbiamo una missione ben chiara, ovvero quella di trasformare benefici in rendimenti reali.

Risk Management

There are no risk-free organisations. But organisations can be prepared. Here at GEMAST we know that thinking about risks requires lot of energy and time, with detrimental effects on the creative process of improving the business. That is why we help businesses and entrepreneurs to lift the burden of risk management by providing the adequate support and the tools to implement the best risk management strategy.


Grazie alla grande esperienza sviluppata nel corso di tanti diversi progetti siamo in grado di fornire assistenza continua nel vostro percorso di crescita internazionale, partendo proprio dalla creazione di un business case, fino ad arrivare ad una fase in cui la vostra organizzazione sarà controllata e pronta per intraprendere il lungo percorso che abbiamo stabilito assieme.


With its varied and broad experience, GEMAST is able to assist you along every step of your journey of international growth. Starting out from business case creation, through to ensuring that your organisation is fully prepared for the transformation that lies ahead.

Manufacturer of mechanical equipment

Manufacturer of mechanical engineering equipment looking for consulting expertise to support them to create and implement a full transformation plan to relocate to another country. Allowing them to benefit from the local financial incentives and lower operating costs to help them achieve an improved financial position for their business

Client Challenge:

Fully understand the risk and opportunity surrounding the project

  • To fully scope and understand the real potential of this initiative
  • Consideration and planning for a number of scenarios with the selection of the most effective option
  • Selection of the target market with a full populated programme plan
  • Provision of the full legislation and regulations for operating within the target market
  • Optimize financial effort

Our Solution:

Step-by-step support for option selection

  • Overview of different country to check the best balance (for the client) in term of Location, legislation, taxation etc.
  • Creation of a business plan encompassing all possible scenarios with forecasted outcome and returns
  • Identification of a local contact within the target market to provide support to the project
  • Advising and supporting the client to arrive at the most beneficial financial solution fully considering capital outlay and return on investment

Impact on Client’s Business:

Successful establishment of a new business premises

  • Successfully operating from a new site open within 18 months
  • Project valued at €35M (Euro) project
  • Secured a  number of new opportunities within the market

Defence organisation

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Manufacturer of mechanical equipment

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Electronics company

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